Output Files

Directory Structure

The following is the output directory structure, where outputDirectory is defined by Options::outLoc. See below for descriptions of the files in the Data Directory, Image Directory, and ROOT Directory.

--\ `outputDirectory`
  |--\ data
  |  |
  |  |-- contactAngle.txt
  |  |-- monoEdge.txt
  |  |-- bulkEdge.txt
  |  |-- dropletHeight.txt
  |  |
  |  |--\ circlePoints
  |     |-- 001.txt
  |     |-- 002.txt
  |     |-- ...
  |--\ img
      |--\ dens
      |  |-- 001.png
      |  |-- 002.png
      |  |-- ...
      |--\ droplet
      |  |-- 001.png
      |  |-- 002.png
      |  |-- ...
      |--\ tanh
         |-- 001.png
         |-- 002.png
         |-- ...

Data Directory

The data directory is produced in Writers.h, and contains all numerical output.

  • The .txt files in the data directory are produced by ScalarWriter. Each of these files are single-column data, one row per Frame. The first row in each file is the name of the file, without “.txt”, and with ‘#’ prepended.
  • The subdirectories of data are produced by ArrayWriter. Each subdirectory (there is currently only circlePoints) contains one .txt file per Frame, each of which contains multiple columns, with headers in the first line of each column with ‘#’ prepended. For the circlePoints files, these are the \(r\) and \(z\) coordinates of the boundary points.

Image Directory

The img directory is produced in Visualization.h, and contains all figures that are generated each frame. These figures are produced by default, but can be disabled via Options::saveImages.

ROOT Directory

The root directory contains the same figures as the img directory, but saved as ROOT Macros rather than raster images, so that they can be manipulated and inspected. This directory is not produced by default, but may be enabled via Options::saveROOT.